Introduction to Oceanography
[Note: Underlined text indicates a link that downloads additional content.]
This 2.5 hour boat program is one of our most popular and versatile offerings. Students will literally and figuratively get their hands wet as they investigate the living and non-living components of Long Island Sound! Your students will study living organisms in the stern of the boat by hauling a trawl net, doing a plankton tow, pulling a lobster pot, and (on some trips) sorting through a mud grab. In the bow of the boat, they’ll learn how to use a wide range of oceanographic equipment as they investigate physical and chemical aspects of the water column and the bottom.

Alignment with Next Generation Science Standards

*Additional Resources for Teachers:
Before you go, prepare your students by having them watch our video tutorials on how to use our oceanography equipment!
Deepen the experience with our Oceanography data analysis lesson. Free to all teachers bringing students to Project Oceanology for Introduction to Oceanography.
*These are supplementary activities that can be used before or after Project Oceanology programs, designed to help teachers integrate their Project Oceanology experiences into the curriculum.