Shorebird Identification (K-1)
Welcome to shorebird identification where we're going to learn all about shorebirds.
Click on the play buttons below to start learning.
What makes a shorebird a shorebird?
Shorebirds are birds specially adapted to live in open land and often near water.
Shorebirds have:
Long legs for wading
Long, slender beaks for probing the mud or water
Camouflage coloring
Feed on invertebrates
Prefer open habitats
Simple vocalizations such as peeps, whistles or short trills
Who am I?
There are many different kinds of shorebirds. Below you will see images of a few different kinds. Click on the play button next to the shorebirds name to hear the name and bird call.
American Oystercatcher

Piping Plover

Great Egret

Double Crested Cormorant

Red Knot

Black Skimmer

Shorebird food identification
The shape of a birds' beak depends on what it eats. In the activity below you will see an image of a shorebird next to its food of choice. You can click the play button next to the shorebirds name and name of the food to hear them read aloud.
American Oystercatcher

American Shad
Image credit
Piping Plover

Marine Worm
Image credit
Clapper Rail

Fiddler Crab
Red Knot

Horseshoe Crab Eggs
Image credit
Black Skimmer

Image credit
Bird beak activity
For a printable parent/teacher-led bird beak activity, click on the link below.